Presentation at St. Peter's Church in Wales School

Presentation at St. Peter's Church in Wales School

Following the competition win with the photograph of pupils from St. Peter's Church in Wales School in Wales planting crocus last October, the Committee had the enjoyable task of choosing £400 worth of bulbs and tools, to share between the school, the community for the village planters, and the Society for raffle prizes.

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President's Letter (January 2016)

Dear Members, Exhibitors and Supporters of the Society,

It is lovely to write this letter in this long month of January as it makes me look forward to the gardening year ahead and to the future events of the Society.

Bob Bates, our busy General Secretary, has put together a 2016 programme bursting with events from talks on Butterflies, Pruning, Composting and Chickens in the Garden and visits to Chelsea Flower Show and Arley Hall and a Fungus Forage have been arranged and with our two shows in June and August this year I am sure there is something for everyone. The full programme, and all the current news of Society events, is reported on our website. Do have a look.

I hope, like me, you are looking forward to Christine Walkden’s talk on 17th February. The tickets are selling fast so please buy yours without delay if you don’t already have them and do think of questions to ask at the Q&A session.

Our annual dinner will be at the Golden Lion on Wednesday 8th April. Please come and bring a friend. It is a nice way to meet fellow members of the Society. The booking form is available on our website, together with the booking form for the trip to Arley Hall and the Fungus Forage

One of our Committee members, Carol Edwards, has an article about a local garden with gardening advice published in the Essentials magazine each month. Thank you Carol - your articles make excellent and informative reading.
Please continue to support the Society by continuing or becoming a member - £6 Membership subscription or £10 as a Patron. Please contact our new Membership Secretary, Esther Parks, for a Membership Renewal Form.

I look forward to meeting you at the talks and shows and wish you a successful growing season and enjoyment in your garden.

Pat Weir

David Hughes

I am an experienced website designer and developer, with over ten years' experience. I have used Squarespace with my clients for over five years, concentrating on projects for smaller businesses and charities in the UK.