September Talk

In September, we were given an enthralling talk by Peter Evans, a teacher from The Derwen Centre near Oswestry.

Peter brought along a selection of edible flowers, ranging from the invasive Ground Elder to beautiful Fuchsias, and demonstrated how they could be used in stunning edible displays.

Did you know Ground Elder was deliberately introduced to this country by the Romans, who planted it wherever they came to inhabit and used it as a staple part of their diet? And have you ever tried eating Electric Daisies? Not unpleasant but unforgettable!

The talk was so successful Members were crowded round the Speaker’s table, asking questions and sampling flowers instead of rushing off for tea and biscuits.

You can download a "Pete's Edible Flowers" list by clicking here. This is also available from Bob Bates.

The Society would like to thank Peter for his excellent talk, and we hope to welcome him again soon. Please visit the Derwen Centre website, and call in if you're in the Oswestry area.